
Students May Enroll in Adult Ed Program

Enrollment is now underway for Mission College’s Project for Adult College Education program, which enables working adults to receive an associate arts degree in less time than is usually required.

“PACE is a fast track to getting an associate degree or transferring to a university,” said Gina LaMonica, program director. “It’s more intensive than our regular programs because [semesters last] only nine weeks.”

The next PACE session begins March 17. The enrollment fee, which includes two classes, is $78.


Degree and transfer programs are available in business, humanities and general education, college officials said.

A liberal studies program is also available for those seeking an elementary school teaching credential.

Students in the program attend two courses one night a week, on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, and must also be present for four Saturday programs during the nine weeks, officials said.


Morning classes are also offered for students who work at night.

“This year we will also be starting a summer session,” LaMonica said. “It will be a trimester program that enables students to get their degrees in just two years.”

PACE classes are taught on the Mission campus in Sylmar and also at Chatsworth High School and Jordan Middle School in Burbank.

For registration details, call the PACE office at (818) 364-7684.
