
Cruising for Career Information on the Internet

SPECIAL TO THE TIMES; Kate Dunn is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer

The following is a representative sampling of the more than 5,000 career-oriented World Wide Web and usenet sites available on the Internet. The key word here is “representative.” This list is the snowflake on the tip of the iceberg.

About Work ( room and discussion group participants explore all aspects of the work world, from the first job to career changes.

America’s Employers ( include resume and cover letter preparation, tips on effective networking, business and franchise offerings, access to a recruiter database, links to professional employment listings and a conference room for online discussions.


BC & Associates ( include career consulting, development and outplacement.

Career Crafting ( includes assessment and coaching for people in career transition and live online seminars.

Career Magazine (’ll find searchable job postings from major job newsgroups, employer profiles, directories of job recruiters and consultants, job fair listings and a resume bank.


Career Mapper ( a self-administered career assessment and provides analysis.

Career Mosaic ( searchable job postings from regional and occupational newsgroups in the U.S. and abroad, employer profiles, a resume bank, tips on job hunting, resume writing, links to professional industry organizations and other research tools.

CareerPath ( a search form to access the “help wanted” classifieds in 25 of the nation’s largest newspapers.


CareersNet ( online career change management, counseling, development, consulting and coaching.

Chicago Tribune”s “Changing Careers” page ( include Planning for Change, Educational Resources and Savvy Searching.

E-Span ( include a searchable job database, assessment tools, tips on writing and resumes and information on professional education resources.

Forty Plus of Southern California ( nonprofit organization for unemployed professionals over 40 years old. Offers job search preparation, marketing and placement, a research library and peer support.

Global Job Services ( individualized searches of usenet newsgroups, job databases, search engines, major U.S. newspaper classified ads, mailing lists, industry trade journals, job hotlines and professional sources, with results phoned or e-mailed to applicants.

Heart Career Connections ( include a searchable national and international job database, and online, real-time interactive job fairs.


JobCenter ( a searchable job database, a resume bank and a matching service, with results e-mailed to applicants.

JobWeb ( includes career planning assistance and employment information.

Monster Board ( searchable employment listings by industry and location, and a resume bank.

NetTown ( in work, career and vocational discussion groups exchange information on, and ventilate about, downsizing and changing careers.

Online Career Center ( include a searchable job database, assistance with career planning, and information on career fairs and events.

Re-Employment 2000 ( includes career counseling and resume development, and information on employment and hiring workshops.


SkillSearch ( assistance with resume preparation and career development.

VocAid Inc. ( vocational guidance for workers displaced by staff reductions or reentering the work force.

While many of these sites carry links to similar or related pages, the number and variety of potential destinations can shred even the most experienced surfer. Luckily, two search engines offer simpler, and vastly less brain-wrenching, methods of finding the resource that’s right for you:

Yahoo ( the home page, select “Business and Economy.” The two relevant categories on the Business and Economy page are “Companies” and “Employment.” Selecting Companies and then selecting the “Career and Job Search Services” subcategory leads to “Planning and Coaching.” Selecting Employment leads to “Career and Employment Planning.”

Infoseek ( the home page, select “Business.” The relevant category on the Business page is “Careers.”
