
District May Redraw School Boundaries

Redrawing middle school boundaries and expanding a middle school to include sixth grade are among proposals to alleviate crowding at two schools in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District.

In a report to district trustees this week, Assistant Supt. Kim Stallings suggested that the district reduce enrollment at Rio Vista Elementary and Bernardo Yorba Middle schools by:

* Rerouting Topaz Elementary graduates to Tuffree Middle School instead of Kraemer Middle School.


* Having Glenview Elementary students go on to Yorba Linda Middle School instead of Bernardo Yorba Middle School.

* Moving Rio Vista Elementary’s sixth grade to Kraemer, which now enrolls only seventh- and eighth-graders.

Stallings also proposed expanding Kraemer eventually to include the sixth grades from all of its feeder schools in the future. Two of the district’s five middle schools already accommodate sixth-graders.


“We have some schools that have grown to a size that makes it a challenge to run them in the way we’d like to,” board President Karin M. Freeman said. “We would like to find some solutions by the end of this school year that could be in place by next fall.”

The trustees requested details of each recommendation.
