
Interfaith Council Plans King Service

The San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council will devote Monday evening to a remembrance of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., with its ninth annual “Make Real the Dream” service.

Valley residents, clergy, community leaders and elected officials will gather at 7 p.m. at St. John Eudes Catholic Church, 9901 Mason Ave., to celebrate the life of the slain civil rights leader with songs and reflections on King’s works and his movement.

The event will feature special music of an interfaith choir and readings by local clergy, including Rabbi Stewart Vogel of Temple Aliyah in Woodland Hills, the Rev. Fisher Robinson, vicar of African American ministries of the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and the Rev. Lydia Jackson-Waters, pastor of the Crossroads-Njia Panda United Methodist Church in Compton.


The free public event will be followed by a reception. For more information, call (818) 718-6460, Ext. 3002.
