
Home Buyers Can Get Government’s Help

City officials are trying to get information to potential homeowners about a national program to help first-time buyers qualify for loans, said Joan Hoesterey, management planning assistant at City Hall.

Called the “mortgage credit certificate program,” it is a federal plan administered by county government. “It helps first-time home buyers find financing and arrange a tax credit that can be put toward the down payment,” Hoesterey said.

Families of three or more whose total annual income does not exceed $70,495 may be able to qualify for financing on homes costing up to $229,883. County officials said households of only one or two people also may qualify if total income is below $61,300.


To get on the waiting list, La Palma applicants can call (714) 480-2842. To get a brochure explaining the program, potential applicants may write to the Orange County Housing and Community Development, attention Anna Plank, 1770 N. Broadway, Suite 400, Santa Ana, CA 92706.

The City Council is scheduled to hear a report on the first-time home buyer program at its meeting Tuesday.
