
Local Residents Active in Tree Recycling

San Fernando Valley residents know exactly what to do when Christmas is over.

“It seems to be a tradition in the Valley to get the trees recycled,” said Linda Aparicio, a Bureau of Sanitation spokeswoman. “And we appreciate that.”

About 20,000 Christmas trees were collected at the city’s 12 sites over the last two weekends. The exact number of trees collected in the Valley was not available, but Aparicio said the four Valley sites were the busiest, with the Balboa park site topping the list.

“There is a growing awareness that people need to recycle as much as possible,” she said. “And in the Valley, there seems to be a greater awareness of landfill space and the limits thereof. The Valley has always responded well to recycling efforts and education.”


This year’s added incentive of Los Angeles Zoo tickets for every tree brought in had little effect on the numbers, since the city has often offered gifts in the nine years it has been recycling trees, Aparicio said.

Sanitation officials expect the number of trees collected this year to surpass last year’s collection totals--an estimated 100,000 trees from the centers as well as from curbside green barrel recycling. The number of trees that have been cut up and left in the green barrels so far has not been determined, Aparicio said.

The centers will be open another weekend. Residents may cut up their trees and place them in the barrels whenever they wish.


“If they have that tree in June, we’ll recycle it,” Aparicio said.
