
Domestic Abuse Penalties

* Re “Three Deputies File Suit Over Gun Law,” Dec. 27: I am an absolute opponent of gun control for law-abiding citizens. However, I do believe in gun control for criminals and I most assuredly believe this applies in the case of those convicted of domestic abuse. I especially believe this in the case of law enforcement, where such personality/psychological disorders as domestic abuse are probably indicative of abuse of power on the job.

I would expect a high correlation between domestic abuse, complaints of abuse from arrestees and off-duty hooliganism. Law enforcement officers found guilty of the above should have been screened out before hiring in the first place. Now’s the opportunity to rid ourselves of these power-tripping abusers who believe they are above the law.


South Gate

* As a police psychologist I have counseled countless law enforcement families, many dealing with issues of domestic violence. I view the new federal law that prohibits people with misdemeanor domestic violence convictions from carrying firearms with mixed feelings as it relates to police officers. Domestic violence is not tolerable under any circumstances and if anything peace officers should be held to a higher standard. However, no other occupation demands the ability to carry a firearm as a condition of employment.


Under this new law I believe even fewer victims will come forward to report abuse when faced with the end of their partners’ career. It is a pity a well-inten- tioned law meant to help protect victims could promote ongoing and escalating abuse.


