
Urban Oil Drilling Sites

I was profoundly disappointed with your coverage of the boom in urban oil and gas drill sites (A New Oil Boom, Dec. 24). Our group has been struggling to get the city of Los Angeles to address the environmental impacts of Breitburn’s West Pico site for several years. Recently, Los Angeles City Councilman Michael Feuer acknowledged there may be “significant environmental issues” yet the city has taken no effective action.


Pico-Doheny Residents for Quality Living


There was no mention whatever of the risk posed to those who live near the wells in residential areas. When the sites are mandated by California law to post signs noting that the petrochemical fumes are known to cause cancer, the Times does a disservice by ignoring that reality.

People who live, work and engage in commerce adjacent to oil-drilling operations within residential areas cannot simply be ignored. With new technology also comes new responsibility to respect and protect the public health of citizens.



Los Angeles
