
Honesty Abroad

After reading so many negative stories about cheating and stealing in Europe, I would like to share with you a story with a wonderful ending.

This summer, my husband and I were on the train from Zurich to Lake Como, Italy. I hung my new jacket on a hook on the wall beside us. We got off the train with our luggage in Lake Como and watched the train with my new jacket continue on to Milan. I reported the loss to a policeman at the station and gave him our hotel number.

The next morning, we received a message to report to the station. Not only had my jacket been found, but the officer showed me the contents of the pockets, which included a $20 U.S. bill.


As a frequent traveler, I have found mostly gracious, honest people. I hope this story will help encourage people to have faith in their fellow men and women wherever they are!


Newport Beach
