
School Not Part of Area Troubles

I am writing in response to the Dec. 7 article in the Metro section, “Neighborhood Learning How to Cure Its Ills.” The subtitle refers to the gang-ridden crime area as the Thorman Projects. Even worse was the heading of the continuance of the article on the following page, simply “THORMAN.” As the current president of the Parent Teacher Organization of Jeane Thorman Elementary School on Sycamore Street in Tustin, I wondered why someone would use our neighborhood school to identify a troubled area.

First of all, there is no such place as the “Thorman Projects.” The city of Tustin doesn’t have any housing projects. The location of the area would better be described as the southeast section of Tustin, as it is readily referred to at City Council meetings and community action groups.

Not all of the children living in the area map shown attend Thorman school and conversely not all the children attending Thorman live in that area. We are not denying that there are problems in southeast Tustin, but labeling it the “Thorman Projects” thoughtlessly links our wonderful students, faculty and families in a negative light.


The faculty and parents have diligently worked over the years to give our students a sense of pride and self-respect in themselves and their school. Thorman is an exemplary school with a dedicated faculty and supportive parents. Maybe you should come to visit and see for yourself.



Jeane Thorman

Parent Teacher Organization

