

Courtney Love says, “So what’s more awful--women getting $100 a day for doing it [pornography] or women like Althea [Flynt] for making money off it?” (“Hollywood’s New Love Scene,” by Patrick Goldstein, Dec. 15).

Considering that the women are of legal age and choose to do it, Althea was willing to publish it, and the public is willing to buy it, my question is, what’s so awful about any of it? It’s called “supply and demand,” the most proven economic theory.

The only difference I see between women posing nude for money and you, Courtney, is that you get paid much more. If it’s the impact upon society you’re worried about, many consider your “art” much more damaging than pornography, in that your “kind” seems to have much more of a direct impact on youth. What “impact” is that, you ask? You can easily find the answer to that question by taking a good look at the audience of your next show.


Should you be allowed to create the supply for this demand? Absolutely! It’s called freedom of speech, which I believe in wholeheartedly. Freedom of speech is a very interesting phenomenon. Everyone’s all for it, until they hear (or see) something they don’t want to or disagree with, huh, Courtney?


Costa Mesa
