
Best-Decked Homes to Be Honored Tonight

Awards will be presented to the winners of the city’s annual Holiday Home Decorating Contest at tonight’s City Council meeting.

The home judged Most Spectacular Overall is the residence of Charles and Yvonne Calverly, 7542 Puerto Rico Drive. Dallas Drive won the title of Best Decorated Street.

Other categories and winners are: Best Homemade Decorations, Larry and Lana Bandy, 7331 Douglas Circle; Best Use of Lights, Al Ezra and Tim Holland, 5458 Houston Ave.; Best Daytime Decorations, the Mankey Family, 7421 Rampart Lane; Best Purchased Decorations, Charles Settles, 5232 Toulouse Drive; Best Nighttime Decorations, Peter A. Benze Family, 7961 Birchwood Drive, and Best Animated Decorations, Sam and Wilda Vernola, 5242 Del Norte Circle.


The contest is coordinated by the city’s Cultural & Beautification Committee.
