
Museum Offers Look at World of Sharks

Visitors to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County can get an up-close look at the mysterious world of sharks in an exhibit on display through Jan. 5.

“Sharks! Fact and Fantasy” provides information on shark biology, evolution and conservation and dispels some of the many myths surrounding the often misunderstood creatures.

Visitors can walk through a simulated underwater shark habitat, learn about sharks through interactive displays and climb into a “shark cage.”


Information about the exhibit is also available on the museum’s World Wide Web site at

For museum hours, call (213) 744-DINO.


* An Andean condor will fly free in a presentation at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Veedor, who was hatched in a captive breeding program in Maryland, is the star of a program about raptors and other birds by naturalist filmmaker John McNeely.

The program begins with slide presentations about the red-tailed hawk and golden eagle, followed by the visit with Veedor, whose wings extend more than 9 feet. The condor will then fly freely and return of its own accord, although McNeely has twice had to recover the bird by radio telemetry.


The program, presented at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Dec. 30, is free with museum admission of $5 for adults, $4 for teenagers and senior citizens and $2 for children. Call (805) 682-4711.

The museum, at 2559 Puesta Del Sol Road, also offers a special holiday show called ‘Tis the Season daily until Jan. 5. Radio host Noah Adams discusses the origins of holiday traditions and rituals of many cultures. Call (805) 682-3224.


* The possible origins of the Christmas star and astronomical foundations of some Christmas traditions will be explored in the Griffith Observatory’s planetarium show, “The Christmas Star.” For times, call (213) 664-1191.


“Orion the Hunter,” the winter constellation that harbors some of the most beautiful and mysterious objects in the night sky, will be featured in the Santa Monica College astronomy show at 8 p.m. Friday. The program follows the 7 p.m. Night Sky Show. Call (310) 452-9396.


* The Gull Wings Children’s Museum in Oxnard presents four events in January in a program titled “Where Do the Animals Go?”

The events begin Jan. 4 when Carol Ashley helps children create puppets with foam and fabric. On Jan. 11, Theresa Barr hosts Storytime Theater presentations about animals and how they sleep eat and play.

On Jan. 18, Kindermusik with Rita Vrtis teaches in sing-along about hibernation. The program ends Jan. 25 with improvisation and audience participation from Ventura Area Theater Sports.
