
Interchange Project Subject of Workshop

Thousand Oaks’ Public Works Department will host a workshop for businesses and homeowners Thursday to discuss upcoming improvements to the Hampshire Road-Ventura Freeway interchange.

During the 6 p.m. meeting at the Civic Arts Plaza’s Forum Theatre, city officials, the design engineer and representatives from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department will outline details of the project, its construction schedule and expected traffic impacts.

The improvements, set to begin during the first quarter of 1997, will take place on the section of Hampshire Road between Foothill Drive and Royal Oaks Drive.


They will include a widening of Hampshire Road at the Ventura Freeway, adding one lane in each direction; widening the northbound and southbound freeway offramps; modifying traffic signals; adding bicycle lanes and pedestrian sidewalks beneath the freeway bridge columns, and relocating the median on that stretch of Hampshire Road.

“The purpose of this project is to improve traffic circulation and reduce congestion at this interchange,” said Public Works Director Don Nelson.
