
Rockwell International Corp. of Canoga Park won...

Rockwell International Corp. of Canoga Park won a $8.4-million contract from George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama for research and development services.

* Mills Construction Co. in North Hollywood was awarded a $598,001 contract from Ventura County for phase two of a remodeling project at West Ventura Family Care Center, 133 W. Santa Clara St. in Ventura. The project calls for converting about 9,400 square feet of open space into a medical clinic. Work is scheduled to begin Nov. 19 and be completed by Feb. 28.

* Ace Engineering Inc. of Los Angeles has been awarded a contract for $586,565 from Ventura County to construct a drain in El Rio on both sides of Vineyard Avenue, about two miles north of the Ventura Freeway. The channel will collect drainage and debris from nearby agricultural fields, eliminating the runoff that contributes to flooding of residential streets. The project, already underway, is expected to run through Jan. 21.
