
It’s a Pink Ticket World

“Only the pink ticket can get you in. You have burgundy? Go that way.” So said the not-to-be-bargained-with guys protecting Barbra Streisand at Sunday’s post-premiere party for “The Mirror Has Two Faces” at Tavern on the Green. Unfortunately burgundy and “that way” meant away from the divine Miss Streisand; from her co-stars, Jeff Bridges and Mimi Rogers; and her consort, James Brolin. So begins the report to me from my trusty legman, Denis Ferrara. He goes on:

“So I never got in to see Barbra. Never got to stand nervously at the edge of a pushing, shoving crowd of Sony-TriStar chosen ones, peering into Barbra’s plate, straining to hear her every whispered endearment to Brolin, not bothering to eat or drink, living only for that one moment when she would glance our way. . . . Boy, was I glad I didn’t get in!

“Instead, had a nifty time at our own ‘non-reserved’ table, with a group that included, in various shifts, pop icons Nick Ashford and Valerie Simpson (Nick is the greatest Streisand fan ever. He’s content to exist on the same planet as Barbra) . . . Warner Records PR queen Liz Rosenberg (looking like a movie star herself) . . . and director-producer Linda Yellen.”


Yellen was personally invited by Streisand to attend the premiere. She couldn’t break through security, either. Well, it’s the thought behind the deed, we always say.
