
Wolverine Fan Goes Around Bend

You’ve got to be kidding! How can you not list Michigan Stadium in the top 10 and rank the Disneyland version of Michigan Stadium, located in South Bend, first? This cheap knockoff, the design of which was stolen from Ann Arbor, cannot compare with the real thing in size, ambience, or any other measure. Add in the finest marching band in the country, and you have to conclude that the place to be on a football Saturday is the University of Michigan. One hundred thirty consecutive 100,000-plus crowds can’t be wrong.

In addition, the N.D. (Northern Disneyland?) fans are extremely obnoxious. I have been to Columbus, Ohio, which is just about as football crazy as you can get, and would return, but one visit to the shadow of the golden pile of manure is more than enough. Those fans are animals.


Alta Loma
