
U.S. Fund Recipients Designated by City

More than a dozen public service agencies will share $1.8 million in federal funds during fiscal 1996-97 if the city receives the amount it anticipates for its Community Development Block Grant Program.

In drawing up the budget for the coming fiscal year, the city designated federal funds for these nonprofit agencies: Meals on Wheels of Fullerton, Volunteer Center of Greater Orange County, Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Services, and Boys and Girls Club of Fullerton.

Also receiving funds would be Feedback Foundation, Orange County Council on Aging, Orange County Homeless Issues Task Force, Women’s Transitional Living Center, YMCA Community Counseling Services, Fair Housing Council of Orange County, Child Guidance Center Inc., North Orange County Family YMCA and YWCA of North Orange County.


City agencies that would receive federal funds are the Community Services, Police, Engineering, Development Services and Maintenance Services departments.

Several agencies that requested a share of the federal grants were rejected, officials said, primarily because of limited funds available, officials said.

Organizations whose requests were rejected are the Council of Orange County Society of St. Vincent De Paul, which had sought $5,000 for its Victim Offender Reconciliation Program; Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled, which had requested $6,000 for its child abuse prevention program; and the Fullerton School District, which had asked for $10,000 for the rehabilitation of its Maple Community Center.
