
Percentage of Workers in Nontraditional Jobs

Here are the percentages of men and women who work in nontraditional occupations, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s 1995 Annual Averages report:


Administrative support: 24.3%

Cashier: 23.2

Elementary school teacher: 16.5

Nursing aide, orderly or attendant: 11.1

Hairdresser or cosmetologist: 9.7

Bookkeeper, accounting or auditing clerk: 9.0

Registered nurse: 8.7

Receptionist: 2.7

Family child-care provider: 2.1

Secretary: 1.1


Fisher, hunter or trapper: 7.3%

Groundskeeper or gardener: 6.4

Mechanic or repairer: 3.9

Forester or logger: 3.6

Airplane pilot or navigator: 3.4

Transportation, except motor vehicle; 2.8

Firefighting or fire-prevention: 2.7

Construction: 2.3

Brick or stone mason: 1.4

Plumber, pipe fitter or steamfitter: 1.3
