
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : Puckett Has First Laser Treatment

Associated Press

Minnesota Twin outfielder Kirby Puckett has undergone the first of what may be a series of operations to stave off the effects of glaucoma.

Dr. Bert Glaser performed the laser operation at the Retina Institute of Maryland in Towson, Md.

Puckett, the 10-time all-star who has not played this season, first complained of poor vision during spring training.


“Following treatment, it usually takes several weeks for blood flow to improve. Many times, patients need more than one treatment session,” Glaser said.


Kenny Rogers, the $20-million free agent who has bounced between the Yankees’ starting rotation, the bullpen and their extended spring training in Florida, will finally make his debut Sunday at Minnesota. . . . New York Met left-hander Bill Pulsipher had had his left elbow repaired and reinforced in a transplant procedure performed in Birmingham, Ala., by James Andrews. . . . The Atlanta Braves put shortstop Jeff Blauser on the 15-day disabled list because of a slight tear of the posterior capsule in his right knee. . . . The Florida Marlins put reliever Alejandro Pena on the 15-day disabled list because of a strained rotator cuff. . . . Just when Dave Magadan appeared ready to play for first time this season, he was put back on the disabled list by the Chicago Cubs because of inflammation in the hand he had operated on last month.
