
Political Satire Set for Reagan Library

The irreverent Capitol Steps singing group returns to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley on Friday to perform two shows of musical political satire.

These former Capitol Hill staff members have skewered politicians on both sides of the congressional aisle with song parodies such as “A Whole Newt World,” “The Joy of Sax,” “All I Want for Christmas Is a Tax Increase” and “Fools on the Hill.”

The Capitol Steps performed at the Reagan library two years ago at a symposium titled “Do Conservatives Have a Sense of Humor?”


Tickets can be ordered by phone with Visa and MasterCard from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation at (805) 522-2977. Tickets cost $34 each for the 2 p.m. matinee and $38 apiece for the 7 p.m. show.
