
Hayden Urges Ethics Probe of Riordan’s Ties to Retrofit Firm

State Sen. Tom Hayden, a probable challenger to Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan’s reelection bid next spring, on Wednesday asked the city Ethics Commission to look into Riordan’s relationship with a prominent architectural firm hired for City Hall earthquake reinforcement work.

Late last week, Riordan acknowledged that he may have erred in acting on amendments to a contract with A. C. Martin and Associates, a tenant in a downtown building partly owned by the mayor. He asked the state Fair Political Practices Commission to determine whether he had acted improperly. He could be fined if the agency finds that his role, signing or forwarding the City Council-approved amendments, was improper.

Because the FPPC already is looking into the matter, the city watchdog panel will not get involved, Ethics Commission Executive Director Rebecca Avila said Wednesday. She said the commission is sending Hayden a letter to that effect.


But the request--along with a similar one he made on Monday to the FPPC--bolstered speculation that Hayden would mount a highly aggressive campaign. Although he has not said he definitely will run, Hayden, who represents the Westside and the West San Fernando Valley, has increased his visibility in city issues.
