
Spacehog: Little More Than Flash

A picture-perfect band, Spacehog is glam-rock redux, from the top of their shag haircuts to the bottom of their form-fitting hip-huggers. The four Englishmen moved to New York’s East Village a few years ago with glittery Ziggy Stardust memories in tow and rummaged through Manhattan’s storehouse of gritty, flamboyant bands such as the New York Dolls and KISS. Spacehog’s been done--just not recently.

At the Glass House in Pomona on Tuesday, the band kicked off its set to the recorded blare of “Saturday Night Fever” and ended a night of derivative, showy rock by falling back on camp--a Bay City Rollers drum solo.

In between, Spacehog revealed nothing beyond a flair for choosing hip idols and ransacking thrift shops for fashion flash that smacks of high entertainment.


But a great fashion sense doesn’t carry an hourlong show. Guitarist Richard Steel has mastered the crushing power chord, even if every stroke recalled someone else’s. Singer Royston Langdon worked his deviant Axl-meets-Bowie as if he were headlining the Forum, but he began to drone after 15 minutes.

By the time Spacehog had cranked out nearly all of its “Resident Alien” album, Steel--who’d been bantering with a heckler--had dropped his cocky, Gene Simmons tongue wag to moon the unimpressed crowd.

* Spacehog plays tonight and Friday at the Whisky, 8901 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood. Sold out. 8 p.m. (310) 535-0579.
