
Traffic Study Ordered for City’s East Side

Residents’ complaints about speeding cars spilling onto neighborhood streets from nearby thoroughfares has prompted the city to commission a traffic study of Costa Mesa’s east side.

The City Council voted Monday to spend $30,000 for a survey of the area bounded by Newport Boulevard, Irvine Avenue, 17th Street and Del Mar and University drives. The results will be used to determine whether to install speed bumps or traffic “diverters.”

Resident Heather Somers told the council that she hopes the outcome will be that cars, bicyclists and public transit could share the city’s roads “without one dominating the other.”


William Morris, the city’s director of public services, estimated that the project will take six to eight months to complete.

In other action, the council denied a request from Exxon Corp. to reestablish a service station at Fairview Road and Fair Drive. The site was rezoned for residential use in 1992 after the company closed the station.


Car Trouble?

Council approves area traffic management study.
