
Actions Still Speak Loudest

In Greg Braxton’s article on Whoopi Goldberg (March 27), he quotes African American actor-director Tim Reid as saying, “Wearing a ribbon is a nice little symbolic gesture, but I don’t look for ribbons, I look for deeds.”

Truly these are intelligent words; only someone’s deeds can measure their commitment to a cause.

I hope that Jesse Jackson in his haste not to watch the Academy Awards because of the lack of nominations for blacks realizes the great performances he missed by Take 6, Stomp, Gloria Estefan, Vanessa Williams and other performers, actors and models of color.


Quincy Jones added more exposure to performers of color in those three hours than Mr. Jackson did by protesting the show.

Although there is a definite problem with exposure of other races and cultures in Hollywood, I look to Mr. Jones’ and his deeds to help propel the situation to new and improved heights.


