
Cher Cheap Shot

And the winner in the most backhanded compliment category is . . . film critic Jack Mathews!

One need not even be a Cher fan to be offended by the cheap shot Mathews took on her in his review of the film “Faithful” (“The Wife, Her Husband and the Hitman He Hired,” April 3).

Mathews notes that if the film “works at all it is a tribute to Cher’s own tough image,” then rudely slams Cher’s physical appearance as a result of “so much cosmetic surgery.” Were the physical appearance integral to and incongruous with the film, say, Emma Thompson’s recent portrayal of a historical figure 16 to 18 years her junior, that might justifiably merit mention.


Here, it appears to be nothing more than mean-spirited, gratuitous and sexist.

Red faces to Mathews and your Calendar editors for not having the sensibility to do a little surgery on this remark.


West Hollywood
