
Harman Wins Award, Leads Cleanup on Redondo Beach

Rep. Jane Harman (D-Rolling Hills) made good on the 1996 Environmental Hero Award she received Thursday from the National League of Conservation Voters by leading students on a cleanup in Redondo Beach.

About 50 students from Redondo Union High and Westminster Elementary schools participated in the hourlong cleanup and collected about 30 bags of trash from a small strip of beach just south of the Redondo Beach Pier.

Harman said there was a large number of beer cans and cigarette butts littered on the beach where trash cans are placed about every 20 feet.


“I’m surprised that more attention is not paid to keeping the beach clean,” Harman said. She has long been known as an environmental supporter in Washington and received the award for her voting record on environmental issues.

She has fought strongly against weakening the Clean Water Act and against a waiver for full secondary treatment of water in Santa Monica Bay, arguing that additional treatment would downgrade the quality of water.
