
White House Honors 3M for Anti-Pollution Plan

In a White House ceremony, 3M Camarillo received the 1996 Presidential Award for Sustainable Development for its pollution prevention program.

The award, given to company officials by Vice President Al Gore, was for 3M’s Pollution Prevention Pays program, instituted in 1975. It is believed to be one of the first corporate-wide environmental programs in the United States with measurable results.

Since the program began, 3M employees have developed and implemented more than 4,400 projects, which prevented 1.4 billion pounds of pollutants from being released and saved the company more than $75 million.


This latest recognition follows 1995 honors for 3M Camarillo as one of eight facilities nationwide selected by President Clinton to participate in a pilot program to cut regulatory red tape.

Under that program, 3M will be allowed to make changes in its manufacturing processes without some of the usual permitting and paperwork.
