
Cherishing the Wonders of Childhood, Then and Now

Re: “Miniature Grown-Ups” (March 3): I enjoyed your article and feel the subject is one all parents should be concerned about.

Some of my favorite times growing up were spent in the backyard of our house in North Long Beach. There was an old one-room building that had been an office in a lumberyard. Dad cleaned it up and fumigated, and it became our center of the world. In it we played school and store. It was our clubhouse, our fort and the perfect place to put on shows. It was pure imagination and creativity that made it such a fun place. It was also a place to go to be with your thoughts.

My daughters didn’t have what is available to their children--computers, lessons, sports, cultural and social enrichment. Some of it wasn’t around, but mostly it was due to lack of money. They did have each other to play with, books, non-battery operated toys, great imaginations and time.


I am giving that to my oldest granddaughter, 5. We read books, walk at the beach, run errands, play with the dog and just hang out. We look at flowers, trees and anything else that is interesting and we talk about it. I have taught her the joys of chocolate malts and French fries, the importance of good manners, eating vegetables, brushing her teeth, kisses and hugs. She reminds me that there is always something remarkable to see, hear or do that is right around you.

Childhood is an irreplaceable part of life.


Laguna Beach
