
Webb Apologizes to Feinstein, Residents for Lewd Gesture


Flamboyant pro-gun Councilwoman Sandi Webb apologized Friday for making an obscene gesture at U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein and admitted, “I blew it and I’m sorry.”

Webb faxed a letter of apology to Feinstein’s office from Simi Valley City Hall. And she signed an open letter to residents of Simi Valley apologizing for throwing the senator a middle-fingered salute in a dispute over gun control.

“While I strongly disagree with you over the issues, I should not have lost my temper like that,” Webb wrote to Feinstein. “My conduct was unprofessional and inappropriate, and I want to apologize to you.”


Feinstein replied through an aide, “Frankly, I happened not to see the incident. But so much has been made of it that now I’m sorry I missed it. Of course I accept the councilwoman’s apology.”

Webb’s tone in her letter to Simi Valley was more personal. She confessed she had expressed herself to Feinstein in a highly unprofessional manner.

“In other words, I lost my temper big time,” Webb wrote. “I deeply regret that this happened. I embarrassed my fellow council members along with many members of the community. For that, I sincerely apologize.”


But Webb’s apologies may not be enough to save her seat in the local chapter of the National Rifle Assn.

Chapter President Mike Mason said members have discussed penalties such as suspension, writing local newspapers to criticize Webb, or kicking her off the local Members Council.

“We are very much against Sandi Webb’s response to Sen. Feinstein, and we all believe there should be some action taken on it,” Mason said Friday.


But the NRA Members Council will wait at least until after Monday night, when Mason is to tell the City Council about his group’s response to Police Chief Randy Adams’ new policy on issuing concealed-handgun permits.

Mason added sourly, “This is not the first time that her big mouth has gotten us into hot water.”


Mason has criticized Webb in the past, particularly for her stance supporting illegally carrying a handgun when permits are unobtainable. Webb has also drawn criticism from others for calling a graffiti tagger’s killer “a crime-fighting hero.”

The latest incident came Tuesday at a Washington meeting of California city officials.

Angered by Feinstein’s request for the officials’ help fighting a proposed repeal of the assault-weapons ban, Webb waved her middle finger at the senator and stormed out.

Feinstein said later through an aide, “I’ve been flipped off by bigger birds than that.”

Initially, Webb was unapologetic, calling Feinstein a hypocrite for backing gun control when she once carried a pistol as San Francisco mayor.

But Webb relented Friday, much to the relief of her four mortified City Council colleagues.



“As far as I’m concerned, if she sent these letters to Sen. Feinstein and to the city, then we start from scratch again,” said Councilman Bill Davis, backing down from his threat never to travel with Webb on city business again.

Said Councilwoman Barbara Williamson: “I accept her apology. As far as I’m concerned, it’s water under the bridge.”

Mayor Greg Stratton shrugged, saying, “You can’t put the genie back in the bottle, and all she can do is apologize. I think that was the right thing to do, and we move on from there.”

And Councilman Paul Miller said Webb may have rescued her working relationship with the council.

“In my mind, it lays the issue to rest. . . . Had she not done it [apologize], it would have damaged our relationship with Sandi for the duration.”

Webb told The Times on Friday, “In thinking about it and sleeping on it, I realized that I was wrong.”


She said three people called to chide her for flipping off a senator, while 30 more callers urged her not to apologize “because they thought I definitely represented them.”

Added Webb: “I will continue to fight the Second Amendment fight that I’m fighting and I will continue to disagree with Sen. Feinstein. But, well, I gotta keep my cool.”

’ I blew it and I’m sorry.’ --Simi Valley Councilwoman Sandi Webb
