
Neighbors Back Expansion of Mall

* We, the undersigned members of the Dunning Street Neighbors Assn., hereby state our full and enthusiastic support for the renovation and responsible expansion of Buenaventura Mall.

The mall is our closest neighbor and, like a good neighbor, we don’t want to see it decline into a collection of trashy stores. The demise of the mall will surely bring undesirable elements into our community. We do not want that. We want a bright, modern and safe shopping facility next door to us.

For over five years, our neighborhood association has worked closely with the developer, the city planning staff and the City Council to ensure economic prosperity for our city and security for our neighborhood.


We challenge any group or individual that claims that the Buenaventura Mall renovation and expansion plan isn’t a good deal. We clearly understand the long-term, positive effects that a healthy mall will bring.

And no one is closer to this issue than us!



This letter was signed by 50 other Dunning Street residents.
