
Striking Priors in Third-Strike Cases

This is to clarify a comment attributed to me that appeared in “D.A.’s Handling of Case Becomes Election Issue” (Feb. 28).

When I spoke to the reporter I explained that, at the time, I did not have an exact figure, but estimated that the district attorney’s office resolves more than 40% of its third-strike cases either in the interest of justice, for problems of proof with the underlying case or for problems of proof of prior conviction. The information was condensed and read back to me and, on hearing it, it was not apparent that some people would construe that I said we strike priors to avoid defendants being given life sentences, which of course is incorrect.

After the story was printed, I obtained a more precise figure: 47% of our third-strikes cases have been resolved either by trial or with a prior stricken for the reasons stated above. We have filed 4,160 third-strike cases in Los Angeles County since the law was passed in March 1994.



Director of Communications

Los Angeles County

District Attorney’s Office
