
Ocean Pollution

* I know that in the past your newspaper has published many articles on the water pollution problem off our Southern California coast. However, I don’t believe that enough emphasis is being placed on the seriousness of the problem. If you were to ask the average person to name California’s top five problems, the water pollution problem would most certainly not be among those listed. I have personally suffered from the polluted coastal waters and thus have seen the severity of the problem firsthand. I love surfing, so much so that I continue the pastime even though I’ve had to endure two ear operations to alleviate problems caused by chronic sinus infections that were the result of prolonged exposure to our unhealthful coastal waters.

I hope that, as your readership becomes more aware of the severity of this problem, caring, creative people will find an economical solution for the outdated sewage treatment plants and the failing pipes that bring disease-causing sewage directly to our ocean.


Mission Viejo
