
Replacing Strikers

* Suddenly, we are informed that three judges, appointed by Republican Presidents Reagan and Bush, have made headlines in a decision entering the judiciary into delicate areas of labor-management relations--”U.S. Court OKs Right to Fire Strikers” (Feb. 3).

Those judges may be heros in the eyes of anti-union managements, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and employer associations but their decision to the union side is worse than pouring salt into an open wound.

This development hurts those of us who believe in fair play. With the GOP in control of Congress and President Clinton fighting for his life, I see little hope for a revival in the U.S. Senate for the Cesar Chavez Workplace Fairness Bill which, in short, would prevent (prohibit) employers from permanently replacing employees on strike--which they now can do with impunity!



San Gabriel
