


A full palette of holiday music continues to be performed around Ventura County. Here is this weekend’s rundown:

* The Ojai Community Chorus, guided by Maestro Theodore Plute, will perform “An Old Fashioned Family Christmas, The Very Best Time of the Year” at the Ojai Presbyterian Church, Aliso and Foothill streets. Joined by a nine-piece brass ensemble, the chorus will perform a blend of contemporary carols and traditional favorites. Performances: 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: $10, $7 senior citizens, students and children. Information: 646-8679.

* The Gold Coast Concert Chorus will perform John Rutter’s “Gloria!” at the Buena High School Auditorium, 5670 Telegraph Road, Ventura. Directed by Terry Danne, the choir will be accompanied by an orchestra and the program will include works by Britten, Helvey, Rachmaninoff, Irving Berlin and others. The concert will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets: $9, $7 senior citizens and students, $4 children. Information: 649-3471.


* Continuing a 30-year tradition, the Bardsdale Chancel Choir will perform its free holiday vesper program at 4:45 p.m. Sunday at the Bardsdale United Methodist Church. Joined by a bell choir and instrumentalists, the choir will perform traditional carols, including works by Handel, Bach, Niles and more. The church is located just south of Fillmore at 1498 Bardsdale Ave. Information: 524-2070.

* The First United Methodist Church Chancel Choir will present Pergolesi’s “Magnificat” at its annual Christmas Concert. Held at 4 p.m. Sunday, the program will include traditional and contemporary holiday favorites. The church is at 1338 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura. Free admission. Information: 643-8621.

* Ventura County Master Chorale will stage two performances of its holiday program, featuring “Christmas Vespers” by the Renaissance master Monteverdi, Jackson Berkey’s “Anniversary Carols” and more. Concerts: 4 p.m. Saturday, Mt. Cross Lutheran Church, 102 Camino Esplendido, Camarillo; 4 p.m. Sunday, San Buenaventura Mission, downtown Ventura. Tickets: $18. Information: 653-7282.



Hanukkah, the “Festival of Lights,” traditionally commemorates the retaking of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem in 165 B.C. A variety of festivities will be held to mark the centuries-old observance, which begins at sundown on Sunday. Here’s a glance:

* Temple Etz Chaim, 1080 Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, will hold festival services at 5 p.m. Sunday. Events include Hanukkah menorah lighting, traditional songs performed by Cantor Jeffrey Cohen and the Temple Youth Chorale, a puppet show and a performance by Yossi Levy and his Sabra Band. Traditional foods, including latkes, will be served. Information: 497-6891.

* Chabad of the Conejo will host “Chanukah Wonderland” at the picturesque site Fantasy Island, 3130 Triunfo Canyon (between Agoura and Malibu). The event--noon to 5 p.m. Sunday--will include children’s rides, crafts, live music, a Dreidel House, mountaintop menorah lighting and more. No charge. Information: (818) 991-0991. The Chabad will also hold activities at The Oaks mall in Thousand Oaks on Tuesday, including a children’s show at 7 p.m.


* The Chabad Community Center in Ventura will present a celebration at the Buenaventura Mall from 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday. The Alphabet Soup Puppeteers will perform “A Chanukah Story,” and other activities include clowns and a concert of Jewish songs by Dorothy Elliot. No charge. Information: 658-7441.

* K’hilat Ha’Aloneem, otherwise known as the Community Center of the Oaks, will host an afternoon of traditional foods and games beginning at 3 p.m. Activities include live music, menorah lighting, games, storytelling with Brian Bemel, dancing and more. No charge. The center is at 619 W. El Roblar, Ojai. Information: 646-4464.


* The Ellen Schipper Classical Ballet Studio and The West Coast Ballet will present its fifth annual benefit performance of “The Nutcracker” at UC Santa Barbara’s Campbell Hall. Performances: 7:30 p.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: $16, $10, $8. Information: 687-6086.

* The Santa Barbara County Arts Commission will present “A Winter Solstice Celebration” from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the Veteran’s memorial Building, 112 W. Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara. Tickets: $10, $5 children under 12. Information: 965-3396.
