
Prop. 192

California voters have every right to be suspicious of Prop. 192, the $2-billion “seismic retrofit” bond act (“A Bumpy Ride for Highway Repair Bond,” by George Skelton, Dec. 7). Proponents are masquerading this hoax as earthquake safety. In fact, under existing state law the seismic safety program already gets first priority for the $2.3 billion we spend every year in gas taxes. All seismic safety projects will be funded whether Prop. 192 passes or fails. The truth is that this $2 billion will simply be used to subsidize new highway construction which state bureaucrats have not even identified yet.

Using general taxes to pay for new highways reverses California’s long and wise tradition of pay-as-you-go user-funded gas taxes to pay for the highway system. Interest payments will balloon the cost to taxpayers to $3.6 billion, making Prop. 192 the most costly and inefficient way to build highways.

In addition, communities adjacent to freeways should know that hidden in the fine print, Prop. 192 exempts intrusive new highway projects from community and environmental review.


For these reasons, leading environmental groups such as the Sierra Club and the Planning and Conservation League, and leading taxpayer groups such as the National Tax Limitation Committee, the Alliance of California Taxpayers and Involved Voters and People’s Advocate all oppose Prop. 192.


Urban Affairs Director

Planning and Conservation League

