
So What’s Wrong With ‘Eclectic’ Mix?

As a loyal KSCA listener, I was a little put off by some of the comments made by radio industry consultant Jeff Pollack (“KSCA Take Small Bites for Starters,” Oct. 14). Pollack’s claim that KSCA is “having a problem being too eclectic or not interesting enough,” to me, is invalid.

Looking for a music outlet on the air that dares to play something “eclectic” is precisely why all 24,000 of us continue to tune in every day. The on-air staff are very knowledgeable about the music they play and do not spend time trying to push their “personalities” on us. They concentrate on the music. And they give you a chance to hear stuff you’d never hear anywhere else.

Pollack’s comment that the station “just can’t hope to attract an audience by playing music [the audience] doesn’t know or care about” rings false.


With minimal promotion by the station, it’s the word of mouth by us, the music fans, that turns people on to a station that gives us what is missing elsewhere on the FM dial. I display my 101.9 bumper sticker proudly.

