
Titan Baseball Field to Get an Assist : College: Group plans to donate about $10,000 worth of labor, equipment and materials for face lift.


Cal State Fullerton’s baseball field is going to get a face lift, thanks in part to the efforts of some members of the Sports Turf Managers Assn.

Stephen Guise of Fullerton, one of the founders of the nonprofit organization, is the chief organizer of a project to help bring the College World Series champions’ field up to what he called “professional baseball standards.”

Various companies are donating labor, equipment and materials to renovate the field, scheduled for Oct. 27-28, Guise said.


“This is really a significant effort,” Titan Coach Augie Garrido said. “It has been badly needed, and they should be able to correct many of the things that have needed correcting.”

Guise, who owns a turf grass consulting and contracting company, said the project would cost about $10,000 if the work was not being donated. The university will be responsible for only the cost of some hauling, he said.

“What we decided to do was to make it a two-day workshop by our group,” Guise said. “There also will be regional conference of national sports turf managers in Anaheim in January, and the companies taking part will be able to use this project as a sort of demonstration for that. It will work out well for them from that standpoint.”


Guise said he had read newspaper accounts last spring that the field, especially the grass, was in bad shape. He offered to help.

“I had followed Fullerton baseball in the past, but more through the recent national championship season,” he said. “The field was being maintained at a parks and recreational level, and we want to bring it up to what you would find at a Triple-A field.”

The grass area will be overseeded, fertilized and new top dressing put down. The dirt areas also will be redone, and the pitching mound will be rebuilt. Steve Wightman, a groundskeeping manager for San Diego’s Jack Murphy Stadium, will help make the mound professional quality, Guise said.


“They’ll also be working on the outfield warning track, which hasn’t drained well because the type of material used there has turned into mud,” Garrido said. “For that reason, the drainage system hasn’t functioned properly. The work on the field will make a big difference.”

Garrido said the university landscaping department has done work to improve the sprinkler system. A project also is under way to beautify the area around the field.

“The berms are going to be planted and there will be new hedges on both sides,” Garrido said. “The hedges will spell out ‘Titans’ on one side and ‘CSF’ on the other. The Diamond Club is providing the money to do that project,” Garrido said.
