
Westside : New AmeriCorps Leadership Class Learns the Ropes

In their first week as professional service corpsmen, the new 1995-96 AmeriCorps class members participated in a team-building “ropes course” Thursday in Temescal Canyon Park in Pacific Palisades.

The course, which included traversing from tree to tree and dropping into the arms of other participants, teaches members to trust each other and brings out leadership skills, said Jackie Gelfand, executive director of Building Up Los Angeles, which coordinates the AmeriCorps national service program.

More than a 100 new AmeriCorps members and staff from Building Up Los Angeles spent the day on the ropes course, returning tired but elated, Gelfand said. The new members are undergoing two weeks of orientation, as they begin 11-month terms of service in communities across Los Angeles.


AmeriCorps was started last year by President Clinton. Members staff health and education programs in such areas as parent training, conflict resolution and leadership, Gelfand said . . .
