
SIMI VALLEY : School’s Expansion Plans Put on Hold

A private elementary school’s expansion plans, recently approved by the Simi Valley Planning Commission, have been put on hold after two City Council members appealed the commission’s decision.

Council members Barbara Williamson and Paul Miller filed the appeal Tuesday, City Planner Laura Kuhn said. Earlier this month, the commission approved the Phoenix Ranch School’s plans to add classrooms, a pool and parking spaces to their facilities, near Oak Road and Los Angeles Avenue.

During two public hearings on the plan, several neighbors complained the project would flood private Oak Road with more traffic than the narrow road could handle.


In the appeal, Williamson and Miller said the council should determine Oak Road’s future public or private status, as well as its future width, before allowing the Phoenix Ranch project to go forward, Kuhn said.

The council will hold a public hearing on the project Nov. 13.

Phoenix Ranch owner and administrator Frances Alascano said she was disappointed by the appeal.

“We hope to get everything straightened out so we can get on with the business of education,” she said.
