
OAK VIEW : Winning Lotto Ticket Purchased at Station

The winning Super Lotto ticket from Wednesday night’s drawing--worth $13 million--was purchased at the Oak View Shell Station, California Lottery officials announced.

The winner had not come forward as of late Thursday, but the small market was inundated with inquires about the lucky ticket holder, said Ryan Standard, a clerk at the store.

“That’s all anybody wants to know is who has the ticket,” Standard said.

A rumor that the manager of a market in Ojai had bought the winning ticket sent hordes of people to that shop, but workers there said it was untrue and that the man is on vacation.


The six winning numbers are 8, 10, 15, 21, 30 and 40. When the ticket holder finally comes forward, the store will receive a small percentage of the prize for selling the ticket, officials said.
