
Why Not Hire Our Bilingual Graduates?

* The gangsters of the government bureaucracies are at it again. They have now figured out that we do not have enough bilingual teachers so we will import them from Mexico (“Mexican Teachers May Help Fill a Local Need,” Sept. 27).

This will only cost wages of $30,000 per teacher. Under the program, up to 30,000 are to be hired. Not counting the administrative costs, this would hit the taxpayers for only $9 billion.

If this were a bilateral agreement where U.S. teachers go to Mexico, something could be said for it. However, the only thing that I can see is that the Republicrats and their monetarist friends have figured out another way to help others at the expense of the bilingual graduates from our colleges who are working at the fast-food outlets for $5 an hour. They would be more than happy to take the jobs, require much less training and get their children off welfare and help our economy for a change.



