
SIMI VALLEY : 16 Bands to Vie in School Fund-Raiser

Bands from as far away as Arizona will compete in the Simi Valley High School 27th Annual Band Spectacular on Saturday.

Each of the 16 competing bands will perform a halftime show. An eight-member panel of judges from the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Assn. will grade each performance.

In addition, the Cal State Northridge Matadors and the marching Simi Valley High Pioneers Band and Pageantry Corps will give exhibition performances. Activities will begin at 1:50 p.m. at the school’s stadium.


The spectacular is the band’s largest fund-raiser. Proceeds will go toward uniforms, coaches, transportation and instruments.

Tickets for the event are $5 for adults and $4 for students. For more information, call Herman Conant at 581-2332.
