
CHRIS FOSTER : Shoemaker Lets Some Go Barefoot

Once around the county . . .

If The Shoe Fits.

Come one, come all to the Nike Extravaganza. That benevolent Big Brother is here again to help high school sports. This time Nike, in conjunction with Mater Dei, is bringing together some of the top boys’ basketball teams in Southern California, and beyond, for a December tournament.

It gives you a warm feeling all over to see a mighty corporation reach out to help high schools. Well, some high schools.

If you’re Mouth of Wilson (Va.) Oak Hill Academy, come on down. If you’re living-hand-to-mouth Santa Ana High, well, call us when you win a few Southern Section titles.


Dollars and Sense.

Of course, when asked about a shoe company that picks and chooses who it sponsors, one extremely successful Orange County high school coach said: “This isn’t communism.”

Nope, it’s unrefined capitalism.

But the Monarchs better remember that with Nike, when you’re in for a penny, you’re in for a pound . . . of flesh.

In Texas Stadium, Nike folk are busy painting their logo on anything that doesn’t move, and a few things that do. A level down, they have crisscrossed the nation, burning their brand on the uniforms of those well-chosen (winning) college football teams.


Hmmm, what might they ask of Mater Dei in return?

”. . . and the coach of the Monarchs, Gary McKnike . . . “

That’s Progress .

One thing you can say about the San Clemente football program, it goes to extremes.

A couple eons ago, the only thing resembling a forward pass around San Clemente were those nifty pitchouts from the wishbone formation. That up-the-middle-or-down-the-tubes philosophy was good enough to win three South Coast League titles between 1975 and 1978--the program’s only league titles.

And who was one of those Triton quarterbacks who was asked to disarm? Why, none other than Mark McElroy, the team’s current coach. He must be envious of his own offense.

These days, San Clemente doesn’t even waste time talking things over. The offense lines up and goes from its four wide-out, no-huddle offense. Quarterback Chris Boden threw 27 passes last week.


The Tritons may be dancing to a new tune, but it has a familiar beat to McElroy. His team is 3-1 and ranked third in the county.

So who needs middle ground between pitch and pass?

Paying the Piper.

Well that little “prank” a few Cypress football players felt obligated to perform has certainly paid off.

For vandalizing Western High, the Centurions got:

--A 27-6 whipping at the hands of the Pioneers.

--Practice suspended for three days until the culprits ‘fessed up.

--Four players in trouble after admitting to participating in the crime.

Yup, there’s nothing like a well-thought-out evening of good, clean fun, eh guys?

Standing Pat.

What, no one transferred last week? Capistrano Valley must have won.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait.

Irvine is 2-2. Woodbridge is 0-3-1. University is 4-0.

Trojan Coach Mark Cunningham has waited a long time to be top dog around Irvine.

With victories over Irvine and Woodbridge, the Trojans own the fence post trophy--that symbol of Irvine football prowess--for the first time in 14 years.

Then came Friday’s victory over Sonora, the county’s eighth-ranked team.

So there could be more than a rotting piece of wood filling up the University trophy case this season.
