
ANAHEIM : Rail Station Expansion to Be Considered Today

A $3.2-million project for expanding the commuter rail station at Anaheim Stadium will be among the items considered today by the City Council.

The contract calls for construction of two passenger platforms at the Amtrak station, along with a second rail track and a pedestrian underpass connecting the platforms.

Improvements also would include new bicycle lockers, a connection to the Santa Ana River Regional Bicycle Trail and a garden demonstrating desert-like landscaping.


Work is set to begin this month and continue through December, 1996. The low bidder is Irvine-based S.J. Amoroso Construction Co. Inc. Funding is provided by the state Department of Transportation’s Transit Capital Improvement grant program.

The following items are also on the council agenda:

* A public hearing over tougher fire prevention regulations in parts of the city south of the Riverside Freeway and east of the Costa Mesa Freeway. The regulations would call for fire-resistant roofs on new buildings or those getting new roofs, and would require homeowners to remove dead vegetation near structures.

* A proposal to establish a “target area” in west Anaheim for federal community development grant funds. The city has already designated low-income neighborhoods in central Anaheim as target areas for the grants.


* Discussion of a plan to station an Immigration and Naturalization Service agent at the city jail to identify illegal immigrants accused of committing felonies.

The council meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. at City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd.
