
Neighbors Could Curb School Vandalism : Monlux Elementary School needs help, and a crime watch program would provide it

Much of the vandalism that occurs in our schools is little more than an inconvenience. It is another thing entirely when a campus seems to have been targeted for regular abuse. John B. Monlux Elementary School in North Hollywood appears to be a case in point. The school has been vandalized three times in the past four months.

The last incident, which occurred just two weeks ago, was clearly the worst. Here, for example, you see a photograph of Diane Seligson, Monlux’s magnet school coordinator, in one of the trashed classrooms.

“It’s very discouraging, mainly to the students,” Seligson said.

Solutions? Well, we can’t simply call for additional patrols by the Los Angeles Police Department, given the fact that these resources are already stretched. Nor can we simply throw the burden on the school and hope for the best. The Monlux PTA has only about a dozen regulars.


We are pleased that some help may be on the way. Monlux officials say that Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Feuer said that he plans a visit to the school and will seek funding to help secure classroom windows.

We hope he follows through on both, but we have a further suggestion as well.

People have all sorts of reasons for beginning a Neighborhood Watch. Perhaps this time, the reason ought to be the neighborhood school, especially since it is surrounded by private homes on all sides.

If the community became visibly organized on behalf of Monlux, we have reason to believe that the recent spate of spiraling vandalism might come to an end, and its students could resume their work without worry. If that isn’t enough incentive, consider this. Vandals who feel that they can attack the school with impunity might begin to feel that the neighborhood won’t resist either.


Monlux needs help, and its neighbors can help provide it.
