
Society Treats Homeless Brutally

“A judge issued arrest warrants . . . for about 45 homeless men and women (Aug. 8)”: Originally, the court charged those homeless people with “camping in the Civic Center.” It is quite disturbing that our society treats them as if they were street dogs or worse--trash.

Social service facilities throw them out due to the lack of funds. The state rounds them up and throws them out of its parks. Cities and communities throw them out of their neighborhoods. I wonder if there is any more place that is legal for them to stand or sleep. I wonder where all those authorities think the homeless people would go? Whatever our society has been doing to them recently is almost equivalent to rounding them up, dumping them into landfills, and waiting for them to die. Is it not?

I feel very fortunate that I am not homeless. At the same time, I hope I can keep evading any of the bad luck that hit the homeless people for I see our society is becoming increasingly brutal toward less fortunate people.



Dana Point
