
BACK IN ACTION: For four years, critically...

BACK IN ACTION: For four years, critically acclaimed performance artist Kedric Robin Wolfe, above, seemed to have vanished from the stage. . . . Now, after years of doing little other than teaching yoga from his Topanga Canyon home, Wolfe can hardly be missed: He’s performing a triathlon of repertory shows (F1).

3-D DELIGHT: At first glance, Nintendo’s new hardware offering, Virtual Boy, is a reminder of the old days of hand-cranked Moviolas. But look inside the goggles and you enter a three-dimensional reality of speeding spaceships and pounding pinballs. . . . The Video Games column calls the experience “odd, but strangely likable.” See page F14 in the Valley Weekend section in Calendar.

VALLEY WEEKEND: Also this week, on F1A: In a CSUN show, artist Beatrice Wood’s drawings convey aspects of erotic relationships. . . . On F1B, the band Stunt Road, which plays music of the Grateful Dead, sees a surge in popularity. . . . And on F13: Max Jacobson’s Restaurant Review and Geri Cook’s Bargains column.


HOMEWARD BOUND: With only two private shelters in a city with hundreds of homeless people, the Glendale Housing Authority has agreed to purchase an apartment building to ease the burden (B1). . . . But some residents have expressed fears that such efforts will turn Glendale into a homeless “magnet.”

TALL TASK: How do you pick a birthday bouquet for a five-ton elephant? “You get lots of tall stuff,” said Ginny Oeland of Van Nuys. . . . To help celebrate Gita the female elephant’s 40th birthday today at the Los Angeles Zoo, Oeland has an edible bouquet of sunflowers, cornstalks, banana trees and grapevines.
