
Reaching for the Waves

Like to give wave-ski riding a try? Here are a few words of wisdom from those already in the know.

Buy a wave ski that fits. A large, heavy person will not ride the same size ski as someone who is small and light.

“Life can be very miserable if you have the wrong size ski,” said Roy Scafidi, owner of Island Wave Skis in Cocoa Beach, Fla.


Learning to ride a wave ski is easier than learning to ride a surfboard, but don’t expect to get the hang of it instantly. A lesson or two will make things easier. Especially important is to learn how to roll the wave ski upright in the surf.

“If you don’t know how to roll, when the surf gets good, you’ll suffer,” said Merv Larson, who recommends mastering the roll in a pool before trying it out in the less-forgiving ocean.


Several area shops build or sell wave skis, and a few of them offer lessons.

* Merv Larson Aquatic Designs--2316 Channel Drive, Ventura; 653-0551.

* Paddle Sports of Santa Barbara--100 State St.; 899-4925.

* Trip Canoes & Kayaks--2124 Thompson Blvd., Ventura; 643-8856. (Wave skis may be rented here for $25 per day.)



Membership in the U. S. Wave Ski Assn. is $6 a year and includes four newsletters. The association is at 2729 S. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach, Fla. Call (800) 777-2613.
