
Iran and Terrorism

* Re “Fear of Enemies Isn’t Paranoia; U.S. Policy Invites Disaster,” Commentary, June 7: The ability to maintain objectivity in the presence of intimacy is the essential difference between professionalism and mere expertise. The latter category is well illustrated by Sandra Mackey, an expert on Iran clearly seduced by familiarity with her subject.

How else can we explain this apologist’s failure to address Iran’s record of support for international terrorism? This is a nation that put out a contract on Salman Rushdie, the citizen of another country, probably was instrumental in the downing of Pan Am Flight 103, and is well known to finance notorious organized terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Many nations, including our own, carry paranoid streaks. But rather than express an outlaw mentality, history suggests the best way to deal with that fear is to act responsibly and move closer to the family of civilized nations. As long as Iran reaches across its borders to destabilize other nations, I applaud our present “containment” policy. Fortunately, our leaders have not lost their professionalism.



Fountain Valley
